Friday, July 16, 2010

hand drawn type body art

I can't remember where I found this originally, it was floating around in my 'pictures' folder. If you know – let me know so I can credit it.

It reminds me of a poster by Stefan Sagmeister's an Austrian graphic designer and typographer. His poster came about after he had been invited by AIGA to give a lecture in Detroit. An assistant carved the poster details onto Sagmeister's body with a craft knife.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Din Rounded

I'm a self proclaimed Vag Rounded slut. So when I received an email from the font shop announcing FontFont's Albert-Jan Pool has shaved the corners off the essential designers typeface Din, I got a little shiver. 5 weights and no italic as yet. The black weight is nice and juicy. Buy here.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Like a french version of threadless with super limited edition awesome Tees.


This is a cool idea – Neue, an online magazine the creators claim is about the two things they adore – type and cities. Designers contribute artworks consisting of illustrations made up of the name of featured cities. There's Berlin, NY and Barcelona so far and the work is top notch.

The next City is Hong Kong and submissions are due September 23.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

CSA Images

Charles S Anderson started the Charles S Anderson Design company in 1969 in Minneapolis. He's also got an amazing image library at CSA Images full of retro style illustrations and stock art. I even found my name in the elements section.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Flickr group for hand drawn type

There's some great stuff in this flickr group.

Henry Winkler
From Lee Crutchley at quoteskine

Thursday, July 8, 2010


This is my daughter's fancy hand drawn type. She's 5.

Sketchtype Volume 2 from T.26

This might be a sneaky way to make hand drawn type but it looks tops. You can't key in these characters, rather they are sets of individual transparent photoshop characters that can be coloured and set by hand... so at least there's still some manual labour involved.

There's 20 original sets and they cost $249 US from T.26.